Welcome to
The Learning Brain Lab
Founded in 2020
Centre for Research in Child Development
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University

About the Lab
Our team in the Learning Brain Lab seeks to understand how cognitive neuroscience can be applied to education to optimize learning. We use multimodal methods including behavioral assessment and neuroimaging techniques (magnetic resonance imaging, functional near infrared spectroscopy) to investigate the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying learning. Taking the science of learning approach, we examine the neural, cognitive, and environmental contributors to successful and impaired learning. The lab currently focuses on bilingual and biliteracy development, as well as numeracy attainment. With the neuroscience-informed evidence, we aim to develop targeted intervention to enhance learning outcomes.
Featured Publications and Presentations
Meta-Analysis of Neural Networks for Reading, Math, and Working Memory in School-Age Children
Wu C.-Y., Lin XW, Chen S.H.A.
Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Virtual, 2021)
The Impact of Script Sets on the Functional Organization of Bilinguals’ Reading Network
Wu C.-Y., O’Brien B.A., Lin H.-Y., Ilang Kumaran Y., Yeo M.C.L., Rapp B., McCloskey M., Oishi K., Desmond J., & Chen S.H.A.
Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Virtual, 2020)
The Impact of Bilingualism on Skills Development and Education
Wu C.-Y., O’Brien B.A., Styles S.J., & Chen S.H.A.
In S. C. Tan & S. H. A. Chen (Eds.), Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Springer Nature Singapore (2020)
Universal neural basis of structure building evidenced by network modulations emerging from Broca's area: The case of Chinese
Wu C.-Y., Zaccarella E., & Friederici A.D.
Human Brain Mapping (2019)
Preschoolers’ Brains Rely on Semantic Cues Prior to the Mastery of Syntax during Sentence Comprehension
Wu C.-Y., Vissiennon K., Friederici A.D., & Brauer J.
NeuroImage (2016)
Contact Us
1 Nanyang Walk
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University
Centre for Research in Child Development
Block 5, Level B3
Singapore 637616